is this irony or freakiness or what ?
out of the kazillion things i’ve thought of since..say, last saturday…my ex boyfriend, Joel fitz , has been on my mind ..t just random thoughts thunk;
probably because ive been chatting with lc of late and it got me thinking to way back when we met ( lc and i) and where i was in my life ( dating jf..who introduced me to lc)
ANYWAy…so there is piece one…1=spotty thoughts of jf.
Piece 2 consists of this book that keeps coming up, i didn’t have a clue what it was about, The tipping point , or who wrote it..but then i aimlessly meandering thru listings of SXSW speakers and i came across the Author’s pic . .piece 2.1= i had dinner with baby C and she was raving about the second book Blink.
kept saying i was going to check it out..
cut to..this eve hills and i go to the groove around store, etc..then i decide to stay late cause i know the bookstore (B et N?Blech) is open late..i go up and peruse code and design books and recall the aforementioned book-i bought it…get home..start reading… and by the second page he is referencing above forementioned exBF jf …..
all my life’s a circle..sunrise to sundown with people coming round again…..with every page i turn.( totally coped from harry chapin )