Soo…seeing as Oasis is one of My favorite embarrasingly-new-to-me bands.. ive spent much time of late, schooling myself like a good obsessive fan…ie:
listening…really listening…re-listening.. watching DVDs- listening to B sides.. looking for extra shit-….learning birthdates~*1 – …
you know….anyway, due to this , i really feel we’ve become quite intimate … the brothers Gallagher and i ;
So although my crush still lies heavily on older brother,Noel,.. im finding that since someone told my shallow-self a lil crush collapsing tidbit about him**2… well, in true shallowness ..Ive founnd myself leaning towards searching anything that will help find reason to crush on noels taller(yet more obivious?) bro,…
and im glad to say that today, i have found myself in a heavy state of endearment with The younger ( and god-willing Taller),Liam.. Its really his execution of his opinion, that is the tipper for me: simple yes: yet simplistically GENIUS i say. see below:
Oasis singer Liam Gallagher said that he was sorry for Radiohead’s and Coldplay’s fans.
He said:
«I don’t hate them. I don’t wish they had accidents. But I think their fans are boring and ugly and they don’t look like they’re having a good time»***3
Gallagher also claimed that he doesn’t like any contemporary bands: «I play The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Kinks, Neil Young, The Sex Pistols. Maybe a bit of The Stone Roses. Don’t like modern bands».<
1 *notice noels bday is a mere 2 days(and a many years..) before mine..maybe made 4 eacother
2 **.the crush collapser? height.. noel is short. like ‘midge’ size, so says my friend. kills me
3 *** same EXACTLY my sentiments , LIAM_