vegas and itunes
im at the hotel . got up after sleeping in for a good stint. went to the ‘beach’ private pool …
im at the hotel . got up after sleeping in for a good stint. went to the ‘beach’ private pool …
hill and i decided we need to get out of town last week…and we’ve been planning since:she suggested palmsprings..and i …
little ego boost from above aforementioned bday pres: Mars Conjunct or in hard aspect to Venus: Something about your appearance …
went to ie and ls baby shiower at b and d and ah’s home( seems all events are there..over thew … | Comprehensive Guide to Noobs: “”
would you show up please?hurry up or so sick of waiting
click to stream awesomenessremember if you enyoy..go buy the songs..ahem.AND it starts quick and its loud so if you are …
its my birthday today and my dads anniversary. it used to make me sad in a bad way , but …
what a life i lead.more soon…
saul williams “list of demands” thankU saul williams