man oh man, i kinda hate to do this …. seeing as a few of my friends really love the cp, and we know what trouble i ve been in, for hating on music loved by friends….but as this was posted on buddyhead…..and it mirrors my sentiment had to be quoted.
If you sucked everything that was remotely unique or sonically interesting out of Radiohead (sorry for that inadvertently unpleasant mental image), the dry, withered husk that’s left would have strongly resembled Coldplay. It’s bland, middle-of-the-road non-rock for 39-year-olds to listen to while driving to work in their Audis, right before they hit their mid-life crisis and relapse into Van Halen and Quiet Riot. Granted, Coldplay does seem oddly fitting as background music for when I’m shopping for a new toaster. I’ll give them that much.