so much in my head yet so ittle ability to type…
i need one of those voice typer things.
mw went down and p/up the volvo. which had the phone in it.
i started helping bm with his website breakfast with ch on thursday(thanksgiving)nice.(as he would say)cole got really sick..scared everyone for a day or two. heart valve problem. not good-but she seems to be reacting VERY WELL.thanksgiving dinner at mjk’s w/ nb bh,dr,ml,’corine’…a gal m met on the eve..then flew out for thnksgiving…piece of work. poorthing was into percacets and booze all weekend..did not make it home from dinner on wednesday without barfing on the way home..hmm. sounds familiar.remember to save her a seat…
wed pre thnksgvng dinner at the hillmount w/ ie and ls etc.-highlight..df cme by and i got to see anthny