somuch on my mind-yet i feel weird-differen tin a god way- i tink, i do’t feel too much pressure, considering the work load i have.
i feel easy and like everything is going to turn out so great , because it really already is…
doesn’t really make sense but that’s ok
tonight i had dinner with dk-fun and nice -we listened to a perry farrell cd he bought,after dinner in the car. we have a lot of fun together, he and i.
as insane as he is, i guess i am too, because i get him on certain levels, that others do not.
boys and i are a weird topic. i feel like i am in a holding pattern- i’m not looking for real an di don’t feel the need to just hook up with anyone. i am sussing it all out., i guess.
lak and i had a friend breakthrough thing last night- i left ie’s really pissed and when she called i told her the truth about being mad and she didn’t get mad at me, she listened and accepeted my feelings as they were and she totlally showed up for me. i feel so blessed to finally have a friend who trust’s me and i trust 100 percent