someone sent me these to answer so i’m doing it here:
what would you do differently today if you had been given 1million dollars?
i would talk to a really well recommended money manager.
i would figure out what my budget was monthly and weekly.
i would pay my mom back .
i would cancel my b of a account and get a credit crd with a good small nice bank.
iwould hire a lawyer to help me with my status.
i would buy a brand new car -r ight off the lot .fully insured..
i would go furniture shopping.
i would hire dave r. to paint my place .
i would get an alarm system
i would fly a group of friends somewhere(bali) for a few weeks.
i would hire a realtor to find me a place to buy.
i would donate alot of my stuff that i hold onto” just in case’ and buy new stuff.
i woul get my teeth fixed.and buy health insurance