ok, after having read samantha’s thought s on what a blog could/should/tries to do, ifeel like i need to follow her lead and have some sort of purpose or structure to what i aim to give/get from this here rambling series.
let’s see..a mission statement will be my goal for myself today.
that’s it. by the end of today i will have a personal purpose set in type and posted for me to see up here , of what i will be writing about for the next little while.
some ideas..a journal about being ‘sober’ in your twenties..nah , if anyone were to read this then i would be breaking anonimyty(sp?) all over the place.
perhaps.. what i ‘ve learned thus far , in general, imean- i do have a lot of life experiences that are somewhat shocking..i know i could start to write my memories of travel/drugs etc.
stupid. i’ll have to figure this out whilst working, then get back to myself on here ,later