went to ll w/the gammons . ns etc there. along with all of orange county, it seems. charming bunch-with extrodianary fashion sense…hmm.
fascinating ,really. to watch.
first there is the drama of attempting to get in the club and then if they are ‘lucky’ enough to get in
the interactions are hilarious.
there are those who think that everyone else is ‘someone’ and they are attempting to look cool while they try to figure out who the guy in the fur coat is…when he is actually a huntington beach kid who goes to a citycollege and drove up in a jetta , yet the girls in the po’ boy caps and frankie b jeans spend the whole night trying to catch his eye…its awesome entertainment.

its bizarre.
i feel invisible,, in a good way.disassociated, is more what i feel. like i am an observer.