6 degrees of newmodelarmy
the title means nothing. it just sorta combines the spackling of thoughts and stuff that flew through my life today. …
the title means nothing. it just sorta combines the spackling of thoughts and stuff that flew through my life today. …
k.FINALLY got up and went to lc this am.had breakfast with the cute boy. hmmm.rejuvenating and inspiring (to get me …
just got off the phone w/ nb, she got a new s. wow. my feelings weren’t even hurt. i just …
just got back from brkfast w/many versions on cuteboys. very intresting -had a great visit with A
lc2 this am . ajp met me there ; it was just like oldtimes(last week?) went to urth for coffee. …
talking to my cousin on the phone; he is so great. i’m so happy we are connecting these days. when …
okay – i am so sick and i really wanted to start this off right..so i’ll have to start manana
looking forward to going out this eve., which is not normal (of late, anyway..);Ajp is coming over at 7:30 and …
i had some mistaken thoughts today. i think i have them alot. i get an idea in my mind and …
>listening to that jupiter song by train(?)it gets me feelling very …dramatic.no, just ..i dontknow..something..i feel alot of things at …