last night, although exhausted beyond beyond, i had the nicest dinner w/ ss. she and s broke up and it seems like a really good thing. it was just one of those relationships that i thought(judgmental me) was ‘off’. they were both awesome. but he is so much older and she didn’t see how great she was. or something. anyway…
.. after dinner at the restaurant. we went to g’s. it was dead when we got there. and i only wanted to go to see if the french boy was there. i stayed till it was packed beyond belief ( with all the tacky types,mostly) and went home at 12:30. no french boy-was going to get up and go to the cabin, but didn’t quite make it. nice morning though. coffee bean sunshine reading new blogs of random people. Actually, i started reading this one girl’s and it really freaked me out, as she sounded so much like me from years when i was in the throws of it all with todd etc. it was so sad to read. she is doing all the bargaining shit i did. like if she lived somewhere else it would all be better..if she could just ignore the mean assholes around her, she’d be okay etc etc.
makes me sooo damn grateful for the life i have today.
also, brent called and he is so fucked up. it’s knarly. he is always high when he calls and acts like he’s not. even at 10 am – he is high.